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To answer these questions, this year’s DDMA Barometer once again focuses on the cookie world. With this survey, the DDMA Committee Digital Marketing Transformation maps the extent to which the marketing sector is dealing with these changes. Will you join us? With the results you can compare your own organization with other organizations. It will take you a maximum of 5 minutes. Among the participants we will raffle off 5 tickets for a DDMA congress of your choice. Thanks in advance!

Last year we also did research on the cookieless world. Only 9% of the 162 organizations surveyed indicated to be ready for the changes. View all figures of the DDMA Barometer 2021 here.

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Artificial Intelligence |

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Artificial Intelligence |

DDMA Privacy Monitor 2025: Transparency in Online Privacy and Data Sharing Pays Off

Dutch consumers are becoming increasingly aware of their online privacy but still feel they have limited control over their data sharing. This is one of the key findings of the…
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Standaard cookiebanner generators: waar moet je op letten

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