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The ABCs for Preparing you Case and Convincing the Jury for Experimentation Heroes 2024

As you prepare for entry in the Experimentation Heroes 2024, it's crucial to showcase not just the outcomes of your tests but the thoughtfulness, creativity, and impact behind them. The tips and takeaways provided below are designed to help you craft a compelling narrative that…
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Privacy statement

Als de branchevereniging voor data, marketing en privacy hebben we uiteraard een zorgvuldig opgesteld privacy- en cookiestatement. Lees hieronder terug hoe wij privacy binnen onze organisatie hebben opgezet.
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Introducing the Experimentation Loop

Take a look at the history of technological progress. You can see that advanced technology did not come out of the blue. It evolved with one advancement becoming the foundation for another. For instance, the smartphone industry stands on the foundation of numerous technological breakthroughs.…
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Get the most out of your marketing technology: 6 guidelines for achieving a suitable MarTech stack

For customer-oriented services, it is essential to know and understand the customer well in order to communicate in a relevant and personal way. For this the use of marketing technology (MarTech) to process data and an agile, collaborative way of working are crucial, not to…
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The status quo in the adoption of AI

If you take a peek at the average company’s strategy nowadays, the chances are high that you will find Artificial Intelligence (AI) playing a significant role. However, despite all endeavours during recent years across a range of industries, there’s still a lot of potential in…
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How to build a successful optimization program? This is how you do it

Building a successful optimization program is the holy grail for many companies. ‘It depends on careful planning, implementation, and measurement’, according to Maarten Plokker, Managing Director at SiteSpect Europe (Sponsor of the DDMA Dutch CRO Awards 2022). Easy to say, you might point out. How…
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De grootste trends in data-driven marketing voor 2024 (volgens de commissies van DDMA)

Welke ontwikkelingen gaan ervoor zorgen dat jouw werk als marketeer, jurist of dataspecialist in 2024 ingrijpend gaat veranderen? Welke innovaties mag jij echt niet missen? Zoals elk jaar zetten de DDMA-commissies de grootste trends in data-driven marketing voor het nieuwe jaar op een rij.
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The Evolution of Digital Communication: From the SPAM Era to AI Agents

"Guys, it's almost three o'clock, we're about to send out the emails!" This was a very common phrase at the organisation where I worked back in the 1990s. Every day at three o'clock, the system administrator would connect to the internet via a 28k8 modem…
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Dit zijn de genomineerden voor de Friends of Search Awards 2024

De jury van de Friends of Search Awards 2024 is eruit. In de categorie Beste SEA (Search Engine Advertising) strijden Shampoo Bars en Brandblussershop om de overwinning. Aon Individuals en HEMA zijn genomineerd in de categorie Beste SEO. De prijsuitreiking vindt plaats tijdens Friends of…
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How do you create business impact with Data Science?

The value of Data Science has certainly proven its worth within the data-driven marketing sector. The unlocking of large amounts of data and models (including learning models) based on data have found countless applications among all kinds of companies. The 2020 DDMA Data-Driven Marketing Research…