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DDMA Whitepaper – The Brilliant Basics of Social Media Advertising

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This white paper will guide you through the best practices—the Brilliant Basics—for advertising across the major social platforms. By understanding the nature and nuances of each platform, marketers are able to create and execute effective campaigns that deliver engaging content and resonate with users. Whether it’s from tapping into the creative potential of reels on Meta, or leveraging the interactive features of Snapchat, this guide will provide the knowledge needed to navigate the ever-evolving world of social media advertising.

Brilliant Basics from Meta, Pinterest, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok

The chapters in this whitepaper will each delve into the Brilliant Basics of a specific platform, giving you a deeper understanding and overview of the ad formats you can use, including creative recommendations, and technical specifications you’ll need to set your campaigns up for success. The platforms included are: Meta (Instagram & Facebook), TikTok, Snapchat, Reddit, Pinterest, LinkedIn. Equipped with this end-to-end overview, you will be able to create compelling campaigns tailored to the unique dynamics of each social media channel.

Larissa van Haasteren, Head of Social bij iO and member of the DDMA Social Media Committee: This white paper contains essential information into a single overview, filling a knowledge gap that previously existed. Until now, an overview like this has been missing. We created this document to provide practical tools to enhance briefings and bridge the gap between clients and agencies. Additionally, it includes tips and tricks from our committee to further support advertising strategies. We hope you’ll find it helpful and informative.

Sander Peterse

Brand Partnerships Manager bij TikTok

Jos Majoor

Team Lead Social Ads bij A Bigger Circle

Anouk Kramer

Senior Social Advertising consultant bij dentsu Benelux

Bianca Bergshoeff

Paid Social Specialist & Lead Social Advertising + Senior SEA bij Maatwerk Online

Cesar Swart

Campaign Performance Manager – D2B bij Philips

Joris Mulders

Global Paid Social Media Manager bij KLM

Dionne van Dijk

Head of Social Advertising bij Accenture Song (voorzitter)

Michael Lindhout

Media Lead bij VodafoneZiggo

Larissa van Haasteren

Head of Social bij IO

Bob Younge


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