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Full Funnel Marketing – Zo laat je branding en performance succesvol hand in hand gaan

De marketingwereld ziet er compleet anders uit dan tien jaar geleden. Naast branding is het belang van performance enorm toegenomen en het aantal kanalen is flink gegroeid. Dit zorgt voor verschillende uitdagingen. Hoe zet je de klant echt centraal in je marketingstrategie? Hoe zet je…
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The future of journey orchestration

In recent years, great strides have been made in the personalisation of marketing communications. Almost every organisation has made the shift from β€˜one size fits all’ to β€˜one size fits many’ by making better use of data and customer characteristics. However, research by Forrester shows…
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Get the most out of your marketing technology: 6 guidelines for achieving a suitable MarTech stack

For customer-oriented services, it is essential to know and understand the customer well in order to communicate in a relevant and personal way. For this the use of marketing technology (MarTech) to process data and an agile, collaborative way of working are crucial, not to…
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Generative AI and LLMs explained: the impact on several marketing disciplines

Recently, we published an overview article explaining what Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) are and the considerations one must take into account when using them effectively for business objectives and in compliance with the law. This included possible advantages and disadvantages. However, this…
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Privacy statement

Als de branchevereniging voor data, marketing en privacy hebben we uiteraard een zorgvuldig opgesteld privacy- en cookiestatement. Lees hieronder terug hoe wij privacy binnen onze organisatie hebben opgezet.
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2023’s biggest trends in data-driven marketing according to the DDMA committees

What developments will significantly change the work of marketers, lawyers and data specialists in 2023? What innovations can’t be missed? What kind of investments are necessary during economic slowdowns? As every year, the DDMA committees list the biggest trends in data-driven marketing for the new…
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Interview |

Marco Frighetto (Booster Box): It’s critical to collect and work with CRM data, or first-party data more generally.

The shift to collecting and working with first-party has been a significant change in the world of PPC management, according to Marco Frighetto, Head of MarTech at Booster Box and one of this year’s speakers at Friends of Search Fest 2023. In this interview Marco…
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The importance of data quality for a data-centric way of working

Based on a recent 2023 Statista study among loyalty customers worldwide, the top purchase drivers are: a plentiful range of products (81%), product availability (80%), data privacy policy (79%) and good customer service (77%). Evidently, having a precise understanding of the customer experience holds great…
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Barry Adams (Polemic Digital): News publishers really need to double down on what makes them unique in terms of their journalistic output

As a news publisher it can be hard to protect your website from the effects of Google algorithm updates. In this interview, Barry Adams, Independent SEO Consultant (Polemic Digital), Co-founder of the News & Editorial SEO Summit and a four-time speaker at Friends of Search,…
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The Evolution of Digital Communication: From the SPAM Era to AI Agents

"Guys, it's almost three o'clock, we're about to send out the emails!" This was a very common phrase at the organisation where I worked back in the 1990s. Every day at three o'clock, the system administrator would connect to the internet via a 28k8 modem…