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Eduard’s must-see SEO speakers

Kevin Indig
Eduard:“Being an SEO consultant myself, I am really looking forward to having Kevin Indig with us. For me he stands out in looking at SEO from a business perspective, always seeing the bigger picture. At the same time Kevin shares hands-on tactics to gain more insights into your SEO strategy.”

Aleyda Solis
In her session, Aleyda will go through the current state of AI in SEO. On one hand, all the possibilities to automate our SEO tasks while ensuring quality to accelerate execution and goals. On the other, the state of Google’s SGE test, the type of impact it’s reasonable to expect based on the current snapshots across different types of queries and topics through the customer journey, and actionable steps to prepare.

Eduard: “There is nobody who shares more knowledge about SEO than the amazing Aleyda Solis, really helping the industry forward. She has been with us multiple times in the past 10 years, but always brings new content on stage. There’s no doubt you’ll walk away with actionable SEO tips.”

Purna Virji
In her highly actionable and real talk, Purna will share tactics and strategies you can put into play straight away, to make marketing more inclusive, including:

  • How to focus on accessibility
  • How to mind your language
  • How to make your creatives more inclusive
  • And hidden dangers that may be lurking in content that’s not thought of as “content”

“Another smart woman is Purna Virji, who brings a lot of experience and knowledge with her from an impressive track record of two decades. Personally, I strongly support her message about the necessity of always considering inclusion in every content marketing activity (and broader).”

Mark’s must-see PPC speakers

Navah Hopkins
In her data driven and action-item oriented session, Navah is going to explore the following:

  • A study of 2600+ global ad accounts and how match types do still impact success (or failure) in accounts.
  • How to parley what we know about keyword theory into better PMax campaigns by harnessing the audiences of search, as well as how to balance PMax campaigns alongside siloed channel campaigns.
  • Which account structure strategies still hold merit and which ones might struggle due to changes in ad tech mechanics.

Mark: “It’s not often that you get insights in such comprehensive studies, the way Navah Hopkins is going to talk about during presentation at Friends of Search. Both on LinkedIn, in articles and presentations Navah shares very interesting insights on how to optimize advertising campaigns.” 

Gianluca Binelli
Mark: “It’s fascinating to gain insights and lessons from someone who has examined advertising from various angles. This is precisely what Gianluca Binelli will discuss—a decade-long career distilled into a 20-minute presentation. We’re in for a treat. While success stories offer valuable insights, I believe it’s equally intriguing to learn from the mistakes shared during this presentation.”

Martin Röttgerding
How should you organize search campaigns to accommodate AI? Should you opt for a detailed structure for precise control, or lean towards giving Google more freedom since AI is already handling it? In this session, Martin Röttgerding introduces a novel approach that blends the advantages of both approaches, offering marketers the chance to refocus on marketing activities.

Mark: “The influence of AI on campaigns is undeniable, which is why I strongly suggest attending this session to gain insights from a reputable PPC expert like Martin.”

Mark Grasmayer

Head of Marketing | Producthero

Eduard Blacquière

SEO consultant bij Edwords Consultancy

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