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Experimentation & Optimisation
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Exerimentation Hero in Focus: Daan van Vliet, Pioneering Experimentation at Alleo

As Experimentation Heroes 2024 approaches, we continue our series by interviewing experts in the field who exemplify what it means to be a true Experimentation Hero. Today, we have a conversation with Daan van Vliet, who recently joined Alleo in a growth-focused role.
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Experimentation & Optimisation
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The ABCs for Preparing you Case and Convincing the Jury for Experimentation Heroes 2024

As you prepare for entry in the Experimentation Heroes 2024, it’s crucial to showcase not just the outcomes of your tests but the thoughtfulness, creativity, and impact behind them. The tips and takeaways provided below are designed to help you craft a compelling narrative that…
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Experimentation & Optimisation
Interview |

Experimentation Hero in Focus: Simonluca Definis

As we approach Experimentation Heroes 2024, we are interviewing several specialists in experimentation who exemplify the qualities of an actual Experimentation Hero. First up: Simonluca Definis.
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DDMA Experimentation & Optimisation
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Drie nieuwe leden voor de DDMA Commissie Experimentation & Optimisation

De DDMA Commissie Experimentation & Optimisation telt drie nieuwe commissieleden. Leonie Eckhardt, Customer Journey Strategist bij Yellowgrape, Robert de Kok, CRO-specialist bij DELTA Fiber en Michiel Jansen, Global Head of Conversion CoE bij ING, maken vanaf heden deel uit van de commissie.
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DDMA Experimentation & Optimisation
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Inschrijving DDMA Experimentation Heroes 2024 geopend

Op donderdag 7 november wordt het beste werk in experimentation en optimisation bekroond tijdens DDMA Experimentation Heroes 2024. Ambitieuze experimentation-specialisten kunnen vanaf vandaag een case indienen in 3 categorieën: Conversie, Experimentation Culture en Beyond Web (nieuwe categorie). Daarnaast wordt de Lindeboom-prijs uitgereikt aan een niet-genomineerde…
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Artificial Intelligence Conversational AI Cookies Creative
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De grootste trends in data-driven marketing voor 2024 (volgens de commissies van DDMA)

Welke ontwikkelingen gaan ervoor zorgen dat jouw werk als marketeer, jurist of dataspecialist in 2024 ingrijpend gaat veranderen? Welke innovaties mag jij echt niet missen? Zoals elk jaar zetten de DDMA-commissies de grootste trends in data-driven marketing voor het nieuwe jaar op een rij.
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Experimentation & Optimisation
Nieuws |

PostNL, TomTom en DELTA Fiber winnen DDMA Experimentation Heroes

DDMA, branchevereniging voor data en marketing, maakt vandaag bekend welke Experimentation Heroes in de prijzen zijn gevallen. PostNL, TomTom en DELTA Fiber gaan met de winst naar huis in respectievelijk de categorieën Conversie, Experimentation Culture en Omnichannel. Thuiswinkel.org sleepte de Lindeboom Hero Award in de…
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Experimentation & Optimisation
Interview |

Optimization vs Personalization: How They Differ, Can Collaborate, and Learn from Each Other

While website optimization, achieved through A/B testing and various research methods, represents a more commonly practiced approach, personalization is still emerging. We definitely see more companies embracing Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO), testing and research. But in terms of personalization, it’s safe to say that most…
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Experimentation & Optimisation
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Introducing the Experimentation Loop

Take a look at the history of technological progress. You can see that advanced technology did not come out of the blue. It evolved with one advancement becoming the foundation for another. For instance, the smartphone industry stands on the foundation of numerous technological breakthroughs.…
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Experimentation & Optimisation
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Automisation in Experimentation: 8 ways to automate your CXO Program

One of the largest obstacles when expanding experimentation programmes and speeding up change is maintaining high experiment programme quality. Especially when working with multiple teams with different maturity levels. To solve this, automation can unlock a lot of opportunities for optimizers. In this article, we…