- Dit evenement is voorbij.
The requirements for data and technology have become much stricter in the past 10 years. Due to new legislation, but also due to the growing importance of security. This requires optimal cooperation between marketing and legal departments, but for many organisations this remains a challenge. Lawyers struggle to keep up with technologies, while marketers do not know enough about the rules and risks. How do you make everyone happy? How can the two camps work together without losing development speed? How do you really set up your privacy-first marketing organisation properly?
During this invite-only roundtable session, we will delve deeper into that with a select group of experts who have already made (some) strides in this area. We will do this through an interactive discussion and with practical examples. Everything that is discussed stays indoors. Every organisation we invite will be asked to send two decision-makers from both the legal and marketing/business department.
Are you interested to join this Elite? Send a message to DDMA’s legal counsel Romar van der Leij via romarvanderleij@ddma.nl